Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello Neighbors,
Many families are feeling uncertainty as they wait for the Portland Public School Board to decide school configurations and any boundary redraws. We respect your right to express satisfaction or discontent with the recommendation of the Boundary Advisory Committee to the PPS Board and Superintendent. We suggest you address your letters and emails to them.
As resolved in our general meeting on January 24th, the ANA has delivered a letter, on behalf of our Neighborhood to the PPS Board and Superintendent, addressing specific items of concern. The ANA is not part of, nor is it supporting, any effort to initiate lawsuits against PPS.
Please remember that Boundary Advisory Committee members are volunteers, not paid elected officials. Please treat them with respect, and honor their family's right to privacy. The ANA does not condone any threats, personal attacks or harassment of any kind for any reason. Thank you for helping keep conversation and messages civil and focused on issues not people.
Scott A. Rider, ANA Chair

1 comment:

  1. Our post from last night.
